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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Great Sports Interviews and Meltdowns

Last week, I wrote an article about Ron Artest winning this year's NBA service award. As a part of that article, I included a video of Artest, memorably, thanking his psychiatrist during a post-game interview just after the Lakers had won the NBA title.

After posting the article, a friend got a hold of me to tell me he enjoyed the article and thought it would be a good idea to put a piece together of the most classic sports rants, raves, meltdowns and memorable interviews.

Sports is filled with tons of characters, both good and bad, who say some pretty off-the-wall and extremely memorable things. Fortunately, for us, during these moments, cameras have been there to capture the magic.

I submit for your entertainment, a list, in no particular order, of my 10 favorite all-time sports characters and their "best" moments:

Allen Iverson talking about practice...

Rickey Henderson plays true/false about some of the crazy stories attached to his name...

Kevin Garnett is ready for war before game 7...

Kellen Winslow gets a little intense following a game between Miami and Tennessee...

Jim Mora talks about the playoffs...

Dennis Green sums up his feelings about the Chicago Bears...

Mike Gundy defends his players...

Herm Edwards philosophy on the reason you play the games...

Phillip Wellman, the most memorable minor-league ejection of a manager ever...

Mike Tyson, a compilation of his best quotes. Keep watching to the end, Tyson is worth every second of the time you give him. Classic...

This is just a short list of my 10 favorites. With an increasing number of cameras at stadiums and arenas around the world, this list is sure to grow in the future.

I'm sure there are many more great sports meltdowns I did not include on this list. Comment below and tell me what your favorites are.

In the mean time, keep those cameras rolling!


  1. How can you have a discussion of top sports meltdowns without linking DJ Steve Porter's "Press Hop". An instant classic.

    Also, while not really a meltdown, you need to mention "I'm gonna take my talents to South Beach." There was a 30-minute TV show built around that comment.

  2. Pic said...(my aim thing isnt working for some reason)

    Before clicking the jump, I guessed four of your 10 classic meltdowns. You gotta love the Iverson "Practice" video, and my old favorite is Jim Mora and "Playoffs," but I saw the Denny Green loss to Chicago interview live and that is by far my favorite.

    I can recall a couple great Lou Pinella post game meltdowns as well as on the field meltdowns that might be worthy of a spot in the top 10.
