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Friday, April 22, 2011

Soccer in the USA

I submit, for your consideration, an article I wrote during the World Cup last summer....

Watching the USA's exit from the World Cup yesterday left me frustrated and, like many USA soccer fans, I have been searching for reasons why we didn't advance further, as well as things we could do to improve our chances in the future.

Imagine how great the USA would be if we had our best athletes playing soccer instead of baseball, basketball or football. The countries we compete against use their countries' best athletes to compete. We don't, which got me thinking of the type of players the USA would have were we to use OUR best athletes.

I realize these exact players may not translate, but give a top athlete a lifetime of playing soccer to hone his school and shape his body, and I'm sure there are some athletes in other sports who could elevate the talent level of US soccer. Here is a short list:

Tori Hunter: Central Defender. If the man can track down fly balls, climb walls and run the gap like a gazelle, imagine what he could do to shut down opposing strikers.

Mike Cameron: Central Defender. Same as above

Derek Jeter: Central midfielder. This selection pains me, as I hate all things Yankees, but the man is a winner. He plays in the toughest sports city in the world, for the most demanding boss in the world, and with some of the biggest egos in the world (see Arod). Imagine what Jeter could do while holding the ball and sending passes to streaking forwards.

Rajon Rondo: Attacking midfielder. He slashes, cuts, hustles, dives and uses his overall athletic freakishness to absolutely frustrate the world's best defenders on the court. I would like to see how well he could do against the world's best defenders on the pitch.

Allen Iverson: Striker. Ok, pretend the man isn't addicted to gambling and were a few years younger. Has anyone ever given more of his body to a sport than A.I.? Not likely. He is lightening quick, puts his whole body into the game, and would frustrate defenses with his killer crossover, errr, killer dribbling skills, with his feet that is.

Derek Fisher: Left back. A position that has plagued the USA defense for years. Fisher is a tough, gritty player who would bring a fierce attitude to a weak back line. Fisher is a winner, and his leadership on the back line would potentially turn the USA's defense into a point of strength.

Derrelle Revis: Right back. Best cover corner in the league brings speed and quickness to the back line. He can also press up on the sides to deliver great crosses to the waiting heads of AI and Rondo.

Chad Ochocinco: Striker. We know the man knows how to use his feet for extra points. We also know the he has the arrogance and persona of a world-class striker. His last name alone is worth a spot on the roster! He is an easy choice to bring off the bench in the second half to spark the offense.

Reggie Bush: Striker. The human highlight film of the football world, would be just as fun to watch with the ball at his feet. He is fast as hell and his big body would be a great physical compliment to his smaller forward counterparts AI and Ochocinco.

The current US soccer team has done a very good job of developing into a respectable national team that has competed very well on the world scene over the past decade. Infusing the nation's best athletes into an already increasing talent pool of soccer players would dramatically alter the ceiling of the US men's national team. Unfortunately it will never happen.

Soccer will never overtake sports like Baseball, Basketball and Football, as far as popularity in the United States. As such, the best athletes in this country will continue spreading themselves across a wider range of sports than in most countries.

Still, one can have fun dreaming.


  1. lebron james- GK

  2. So ochocinco tried out for Sporting Kansas City, how did that go again?

  3. It's called team chemistry, in soccer sometimes that works a lot better than having the best.

  4. WOW! What a joke! You need to turn in your medical marijuana card ASAP! LOL

  5. Ochocinco tried out for Sporting KC and didn't look great, obviously. Did you expect him to step on the pitch for the first time in 15 years and look great? Come on, give a top athlete like him a lifetime of playing the sport though, and my guess is he would hone his skills pretty well.
    Chemistry is great too, but it couldn't hurt having better athletes. There is no doubt that the US soccer program does not get the top athletes like other countries do where Baseball, Basketball and Football aren't draining the talent pool.

  6. Thank God these athletes aren't actual football players. If we were to send this team to the World Cup, there is no doubt in my mind that our team would get destroyed.

  7. I think people are missing the point of this article.. I'm very aware these athletes wouldn't make good soccer players if they switched sports RIGHT now. What I'm saying is that had these TYPE of athletes been playing the sport their whole lives, they could be better than many of the current players on the US roster.
    Landon, Dempsey, Howard, Bradley, Altidore, etc are athletic, which is why they are our best players. Can you really tell me guys like Bornstein, Klestian, Bedoya, Clark, Edu, etc are the best athletes our country has to offer? Our top players are solid, the rest of the roster is filled with athletes who are not world class. Give a guy like Deion Sanders, Bo Jackson, Reggie Bush, Iverson, Jeter, etc 25 years of playing the sport, and there is no doubt in my mind they could be world class players. Maybe not those names exactly, but I'm positive there are baseball, basketball and football players who could have played soccer and been better options than several players currently on our roster.
    Think outside the box here a little people. We are definitely NOT using our best athletes.
