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Monday, July 4, 2011

My five favorite patriotic sports moments

As the fourth of July approached, I began my yearly assault on YouTube to find my favorite versions of the National Anthem, God Bless America, and many other patriotic songs and tributes.

Some of my favorites are patriotic songs set to edited tribute videos of flags, soldiers, etc. However, the majority of my favorite versions have been sung at stadiums across the country during major sporting events such as the Superbowl and NBA All-Star game.

The following is a list of my top five favorite patriotic videos...

#5 - I found this one on YouTube a little while back and really liked it. Lee Greenwood's version of God Bless the USA is an all-time favorite for me, so when I found this tribute set to that song, it was an easy choice as a new favorite for me...

#4 - Football playoff games have always been a great forum for top singers to perform the National Anthem. This one was extra special for me because it came in Seattle as the Seahawks hosted the 2006 NFC Championship game. Carrie Underwood's version gave me chills...

#3 - The night Osama Bin Laden was killed, The Phillies and Mets were playing Sunday night baseball on ESPN. Word began to spread throughout the stadium and fans spontaneously busted out with the "USA" chant. Several players later said it was the best experience they've had on a baseball diamond...

#2 - The top two spots on this list are by far the two best versions of the National Anthem I have ever heard. Both are completely different, but extremely powerful. This particular version, sung by Marvin Gaye, became an immediate favorite the moment I heard it. The commentary before the song perfectly explains the smoothness of this version...

#1 - The version of the National Anthem by which all other versions will forever be judged. I love the National Anthem because it separates the great singers from the crowd. If you have a great voice, it will show when you sing the National Anthem. No embellishments necessary. Sing it straight up and the world will know how special you are. During the 1991 Superbowl, during the Desert Storm conflict in the Middle East, Whitney Houston gave us something special...

Well there you have it. My top five favorite sports-related patriotic moments. I love this country and will forever bleed red, white and blue. I'm grateful for the soldiers and their families, who sacrifice so much to preserve the freedoms and liberties we enjoy in this, the best country on the planet.

A special shout out to my brother, Matthew Doxey, who is currently serving his fourth tour overseas. I pray for his safe return after honorably serving this country.

America is awesome! God Bless the USA!


  1. My favorite patriotic sports moment by far is a Mariner game my paps and I attended back in 2001. As all will recall, baseball was not played for a week after the 9/11 attacks. My dad and I had tickets to a game the following week and the Mariners clinched the West in front of a sellout safeco field crowd. McLamore lead the team around the bases holding the American Flag while Greenwood's God Bless the USA was playing. What was so great is this awesome display of patriotism was all impromptu, but yet so perfect at the same time. Glad I was there to witness that moment in person as it is the number one patriotic sports moment ever!

  2. I remember that moment now in hindsight. Great moment indeed. Thanks for sharing!
